How to Make Your Marriage the Exception


Marriages that Work, Children that Thrive, Part 2

幸福美滿的婚姻, 成長茁壯的孩子 系列之二



January 16-17, 2016   Chip Ingram




Your Marriage Can Change For The Better If You...Seize The Day


你的婚姻 可以 變得 更好,如果你...把握這一日


Review:The Picture, The Problem, The Process






The Four C's That Make A Great Marriage



1. Commitment - " A lifelong Choice of unconditional love."

一、做出承諾 - "選擇終身付出無條件的愛。"

Our Model = Hebrews 13:5-6

我們的典範 = 希伯來書 13:5-6

Commitment says, " I Love You."



2. Communication - " A lifelong skill of learning to understand each other."

二、溝通 - "終身學習了解彼此的技巧。"

Our model = Ephesians 4:15

我們的典範 = 以弗所書 4:15

Communication says, " I trust you."



3. Caring - "An adventure of lifelong friendship, fun, and mutual fulfillment."

三、關心 - "一場終身的友誼、樂趣、和滿足彼此冒險。"

Our model = Matthew 11:28-30

我們的典範 = 馬太福音 11:28-30

Caring says, " I like you. "



4. Commision - "A shared vision to impact the lives of others for Christ."

四、付出 - "為耶穌去影響他人生命的共同願景。"

Our model =  Matthew 28:18-20

我們的典範 = 馬太福音 28:18-20

Commission says, " I need you."




Important Reminder!!!



Personal Time + Supportive Friends + Renewing Activities =

A "Fully Alive" You -> Full Battery -> To Be A Giver

個人的時間 + 支持的朋友 + 更新的活動 = 

一個"完整有活力"的你 -> 充飽的電池 -> 成為一位付出者



Developing A personal Gameplan For Intimacy



1.  Tell your partner what kind of words and actions let you know that he/she is committed to you [i.e. pray together, set goals, lead financially, express affection, etc.]. How will each of you seek to demonstrate your commitment to one another this week? On a weekly basis?



2. When and what will you put into your daily/weekly schedule to facilitate ongoing communication in your marriage? Set actual times and days to have a "conference."



3. Plan a weekly activity to have fun and develop the friendship side of your marriage. Identify the activity, and jot down at least two specific things to do together. Choose one and take turns planning the activity.



4. Idnetify three to four possible ways you and your mate [and even family] could demonstrate care and concern for others in the name of Christ. Set a time and discuss how to put your service ideas into action.



5. Who or what provides support and refreshment for your personally? Talk about specific ways to arrange your home life so each partner has time and same-sex friendships that refresh, support, and replenish.



Marriages that Work, Children that Thrive - Part 2: How to Make Your Marriage the Exception from Venture Christian Church on Vimeo.



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